Possible COVID Exposure at Aisles of Marche (3/5)

Good morning, Eastern Populace.

This morning (3/8/2022), it was reported that there was a potential exposure to COVID during the Aisles of Marche event on March 5, 2022.

Two people were asymptomatic during the entirety of the event, wore masks as appropriate, and passed through the COVIDSafe check point.  They tested positive upon returning home.

We are sharing this information as an announcement so everyone is able to make informed choices regarding your own health and well being.

Aisles of Marche followed all Kingdom and SCA COVIDSafe Policies which can be located on the Kingdom Seneschal’s website: https://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/gate-in-a-box-covid-edition/

If you tested positive following Aisles of Marche, please contact the Kingdom Seneschal and the incoming Kingdom Seneschal via emails provided below.

We are all excited for the return of events, and the local, regional, and Kingdom staff are ensuring COVIDSafe policy is being adhered to. 

As a gentle reminder, if you are feeling sick or have been around others who were sick, please stay home and take care of yourselves.  Everyone has been dealing with the pandemic at their own levels, and while there is an anticipated risk by attending a large event, we still have a responsibility to do our part to create a safe environment for our community. 

In Service to the Kingdom,

Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Kingdom Seneschal (seneschal@eastkingdom.org)

Audrye Beneyt, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect (seneschal-elect@eastkingdom.org)

Categories: Uncategorized


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