We’re Official!

Please come and help!

Followers of Peter the Dressmaker

Hosted by Shire of Nordenhal – Port Ewen, NY

Event date: December 9th, 2023

Event Last Modified: September 8th, 2023

Event details

Sartorial bliss among those who sew, snip, cut.  pin and trim shall fill the day as we embark on the quest to replenish the loaner garb of the Barony of Concordia of the Snows as well as outfitting children whose parental-type-units bring them to chose fabric and make an outfit.

The first track – working to provide a selection of garb to fit different sizes of folks who are new to the SCA, or who for any reason need to borrow clothing for an event in Concordia.  Fabric will be provided using the colors of their populace badge in order to help Concordia have a wish come true– Gold Key which presents a unified presentation and represents the Barony.  Clothing shall also be provided with populace badges made by Carrick MacSeáin.  This track will be organized by Seraq.

The second track – assistance for anyone who wishes to make a set of children’s garb for their own munchkin/s.  In this track, fabric will be provided to be chosen by the children.  This track will be organized by Rowan Orr.

A children’s embroidery class will be offered by Maestra Frigga, teaching a simple trim stitching for their garb.  Times TBA at the event.

Destashing – There will be a place to bring all that fabric/thread/trim that you once had plans for, but now need to shed.  Bring your flotsam to be utilized during the event.  Any destash not claimed for use during the day (exact time to be determined) will be rehomed.  A donation can be made here to help defray the cost of the event/dayboard.

If you can sew, please come help us!  You need only have basic skills to help, there will be skilled sewers as well who would love someone to help pin/cut/etcetera. 

Don’t sew? Gophers, tryers-on, helpers, musicians, wranglers, bards and clean up helpers are always welcomed.

Dayboard will be provided by Brigitte and crew.  Persons with food allergies should contact Brigitte no later than 15 November. 

The event is donation only.  In order to assist in correct portioning for the rolling dayboard/beverages, we ask that people offer us the courtesy of email reservations for the event.

Attendees may bring sewing machines/thread if they wish.  A few sewing machines will be available on a first come first served basis.

This site is wheelchair accessible.  Handicap Parking spaces are in front of the Church on Salem Street, general parking is behind the Church Hall on Hasbrouck Avenue.

Site Opens: 9 am
Site Closes: 6 PM (followed by clean up)

Event Website


Event Location

Reformed Church of Port Ewen
160 Salem St
Port Ewen, NY  12466
Google Map

The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter’s Checklist.


Make your best route to Exit 19 on the NYS Thruway

Follow I-87 N to I-587 E/NY-28 E.  Take exit 19 from I-87 S

Follow I-587 E/NY-28 E, Broadway and Rte 9W S to Salem St in Port Ewen

160 Salem St, Port Ewen, NY 12466

Registration Fees

Donations only

Reservations Clerk/Troll:  Sorcha deBarry
mka:  Susan Ganzer

Donations only!

Rolling Dayboard:  Brigitte Flamin & crew
email:  111841@members.eastkingdom.org
mka:  Christine Larsson
845 332 5743 (cell)

Persons with food allergies should contact Brigitte no later than 15 November. 

Make Checks Payable to: SCA NY, Inc.  Shire of Nordenhal

Contact Information

Event Steward:

Autocrat:  Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher
email:  110120@members.eastkingdom.org
mka:  Pam Parisi
845 331 0560 (landline, so email is preferable.)

Send Reservations to:

via email, please!

Reservations Clerk/Troll:  Sorcha deBarry
mka:  Susan Ganzer

Other Contact Information:

Concordia Loaner Garb track:

Track One:  Seraq Barok’s Penance
mka:  Michael Melahn

Children’s Garb Track:  Rowan Orr
mka:  Rowan Greaves

Questions about anything else? Ask the Autocrat!

Autocrat:  Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher
email:  110120@members.eastkingdom.org
mka:  Pam Parisi
845 331 0560 (landline, so email is preferable.)


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