A Message:
Unto the good people of the East: greetings from your A&S champions! Although many activities within our kingdom remain on hold, the arts continue to thrive within our realm.
To that end, I am thrilled to announce that today is the first day of registration for our upcoming Ethereal Crown A&S Champions competition.
Registration and other helpful competition information can be found here: https://moas.eastkingdom.org/display…/crowns-as-champions/
First, a few important dates:
December 13th is the deadline for all competitor and display entrants.
January 10th is the deadline to submit all documentation, photos, and videos.
When you register, you should receive an email confirming your registration. If you do NOT receive an automatic confirmation email after submitting your registration, please contact the MoAS office.
If you are interested in entering as a competitor or in judging this year’s competition, we strongly encourage you to attend one of our upcoming rubric training classes. There will be a Research and Performance Rubric class on Tuesday, November 17th, and an Introduction to the General A&S Rubric on November 25th. Links to these classes can be found here: https://moas.eastkingdom.org/list-of-online-webinars/.
If you are not able to attend these classes live, you can always access the recordings afterwards via the East Kingdom YouTube channel.
Additional assistance for planning your entry can be found here: https://moas.eastkingdom.org/…/assistance-for-planning…/
If you want to show your work but do not have the desire to compete, we highly recommend that you display! Displays and competition entries will appear alongside each other on the MoAS site when the competition goes live, so your display will receive the visibility it deserves.
Please note that there is also a Youth Display this year. We encourage the youth of our kingdom to take part in the arts, and would love to see your work!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the MoAS office. Our goal is to provide assistance and encouragement to the artisans of the East.
THL Amalie von Hohensee, Crown’s Champion
Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi, Sovereign’s Champion