Populace of the East,We ask you all to join us in acting to protect the people of the East, to put the well-being of the people of the Society first.
We have enjoyed the opportunity to begin to gather in person. Our first priority has always been the safety of the people of the East, and through safe practices, Our hope is to continue to have the opportunity to gather for events, meetings, and practices.
With concern over rising COVID-19 rates, especially the Delta strain, We will be requiring masking at all official East Kingdom in-person gatherings of any size or type (practices, meetings, events).
Effective August 9, all attendees over the age of 2, including vaccinated individuals, at indoor activities will be required to to be masked at all times. At outdoor activities masks will be required for all non-fighting activities. If an individual is not actively involved in combat at an outdoor venue, they are required to wear a mask. Masks may be lowered briefly when eating or drinking. The mask must be worn properly over the nose and mouth and be recognisable as an effective mask.
Returning to wearing masks brings Us no joy, but safely must be Our primary focus. We want to keep the options and activities everyone has worked so hard to earn back. The ability to safely gather has been Our goal, and the cost of continuing to safely gather is mask requirements.
We hope that this allows people to continue to participate in the SCA with a reduced risk to their health. We know it’s not easy, but now is the time to act with responsibility for the good of the East. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Alberic von Rostock and Magnus TindalConsules East
Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt and Ioannes Aurelius SerpentiusPincess and Prince of the East
Mistress Medhbh inghean Ui CheallaighSeneschal East