Vivant to Carrick and Seraq for the absolutely wonderful way that they mesmerized the children with their individual demos!
Carrick mesmerized his group of young ones with medieval medical knowledge, tinctures and potions that looked and smelled… amazing and awful depending on which little nose took a whiff! Managing 45 minutes or so without making the crew restless or bored? Masterful!
Seraq was at the opposite end of the spectrum, instead of healing he spoke about prevention of wounds, and of course about how terrible injuries could be, despite heavy and intricate maille. Again, the children were fully engaged in hearing how maille is made, toughing real maille, and asking questions that took heinous weaponry into account. The students stayed after the allotted class time, and didn’t seem to want to leave!
Thank you both, gentlemen. You will be a tough act to follow!
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