I just went though my exchequer training this past weekend. I will admit that I’ve been pretty ignorant about how money has been handled in the Shire in the past. I also was ignorant of a lot of the laws and policies required for handling money. Now that I know what we’re supposed to do, I thought I’d share that information. I’m probably telling you guys what you already know and already have been doing, but I figured it was best to post about the various laws and policies regarding handling Shire money that way we all know and we can all abide by them. I want us to be in full compliance with EK and SCA financial policies and laws. They have started reviewing the financial procedures of other Shires and Baronies recently and if we are found negligent enough, can lose our Shire.
I plan to post bits about financial policies and laws every so often to keep everyone aware of how things are required to be run. I see it as my job to make everyone aware of the policies so we all know how to get funding for events, how to get reimbursed, etc. I don’t want any surprises at the last minute and I don’t want anyone feeling like they got screwed over. In short, I want to make our Shire finances, as well as the policies we must follow, as transparent as possible. We all donated and helped raise funds. We should all know where it’s going and the proper procedures to get money for the various things we do in the SCA.
Since we have been discussing events and event planning, I thought I’d post about that, since I want to be able to go through the procedures for the upcoming events as soon as possible. Here is what the East Kingdom Financial Policy has to say about events and event finances (page 3):
So, essentially, the autocrat will need to come up with a budget and prepare it for approval of the finance committee. According to the Exchequer paperwork that has been submitted in the past, our finance committee consists of the Senechal, Exchequer, and Deputy Senechal. It is also the Exchequer’s job to take (and keep) minutes of the finance committee meetings. I would be happy to read the minutes at our business meetings or post them anywhere the populace thinks is a good place. I want everyone to know what is going on and want to keep our finances transparent.
A typical event budget would need to include a breakdown of expenditures including supplies, dayboard, feast, equipment, supplies for classes, expected profits, and seed money for the cash box at gate (aka “troll”). It would also be helpful to include who will be doing what jobs so we know who will need to get how much money. I would be happy to help any prospective autocrat put together a budget, so if you would like help, please contact me!