- On April 18th in the Barony of Carolingia, the MoAS Office is sponsoring what it hopes to be a regularly occurring, rotating, kingdom A&S event.
- The event is based, not around competition, but is instead about creating spaces for positive feedback and interactions about A&S in the Kingdom.
- The event will foster a supportive learning environment where artisans can guide each other as they learn, both about their field of interest, but also about how they can take their documentation, research, and individual A&S projects to the next level.
- This event will feature:
- An A&S Display with an all-day EK Consultation Table available for one-on-one feedback
- Classes- suitable for both beginning and advanced artisans- about research, presentation, display, documentation, and A&S culture.
- Laurel’s Challenge Communities based around 10 A&S topics, including:
- Embroidery
- Fiber Arts
- Costuming
- Martial A&S
- Bardic Arts
- Science/Technology
- Culture/History
- Paper Arts
- Studio Arts
- Food/Brewing
More information about event registration and participation will be available as soon as all Laurel’s Challenge Communities have been assigned a mentor, and challenges have been finalized.Questions? Please contact