5 October Demo at Persen House announced
The business meeting is postponed until 8 May, please pass the word along! Thank you!
Anyone up for embroidering a corner of a napkin to give to first time event attendees at Dancing Fox? You can do your own design, or I can draw something for you to embroider, your choice! I would need the napkin/s done by May 11th.
Thanks to the help of Vidra Otterwoman and one of our prospective members, Alexandra, 200 site tokens for Dancing Fox XXIV have been made! Many thanks!
Call for volunteers to help! If you can help at the event, and/or with cooking prior to the event, please let us know! Cooking will happen at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston from 10 am to at least 7 PM on 16 and 17 May. Contact Brigitte for more Read more…