A & S Wed 27 Dec!
We will be holding A & S on Wednesday 27 December, 2023! If you would like to come join us for a little fellowship and joy prior to the New Year, come on down! 6 PM to 8 PM.
We will be holding A & S on Wednesday 27 December, 2023! If you would like to come join us for a little fellowship and joy prior to the New Year, come on down! 6 PM to 8 PM.
Would anyone be interested in A & S on this night? 6 – 8 PM as usual. With the Holidays, people may want to stay home, but if there is interest? We would be happy to be there with you! Let us know, either way! Happy holidays!
The Shire of Nordenhal Chatelaine report has been submitted. Let the rejoicing commence!
On the 4th, 5th and 6th of next week, we will be downstairs at the Port Ewen Reformed Church, prepping fabric and so forth for the Followers of Peter the Dressmaker from 1:30 PM until 4 PM. And, on Thursday and Friday, from 10 am until 4 PM, we will Read more…
I would like to extend my utmost appreciation to the folks who came and worked the Snowflake Festival with me! Vidra (Otterwoman), Carrick, Ceara, Brigitte, Seraq, and a very special thank you to Andy — who came just to help set up and break down! The Demo was wonderful, fun, Read more…