
Lunch gathering at Broadway Lights Diner in Kingston, tomorrow– Friday, 8 September– Noon! Everyone is, of course, invited. Looking forward to seeing as many as you as can make it. Give me a heads up below if you can make it.

Demo help Sought:

We have a demo coming up on the 23rd of September, for which all sorts of help is welcomed and appreciated. Folks who would like to help with, or drop off, cool display items for the Demo can bring them to any A & S meeting (like tonight’s) or the Read more…

A & S Downstairs — 6 September

A & S will be downstairs tonight, since it cools off faster. We will start a 6PM and be there until 7:30 unless folks come to do stuff. As always, you can catch up with us at the Broadway Lights Diner on Broadway in Kingston for an after cuppa!

23 September Persen House Demo

Once again the shire of Nordenhal has been invited by the County Office of Historic Preservation to have a demo at Persen House. The demo will run from 9 am until 2 PM, and we are seeking people who can come and share some of their SCA talents and Read more…