9 November A & S

For those interested in design, motif and execution the following books will be available to peruse at the 6PM A & S gather: Blackwork – Gostelow Celtic Cross Stitch – Orr and Clark Celtic, Medieval and Tudor Wall Hangings – Whitehead Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework – deDillmont Elizabethan Cross Stitch Read more…

East Kingdom Sign

If anyone is interested in learning Silent Heraldry, Lady Lorita de Siena has an amazing YouTube channel. Silent Heralds serve to assist the deaf and hard of hearing populace understand proceedings at Courts. New Silent Heralds are always welcomed! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xUxkUsxck9_myvsWn3KIQ

Cooking at Old Dutch Church

All are welcome to join in help MeiLin in cooking at the Old Dutch Church Thursday and Friday the 15th and 16th of September, from 10 am to 4 PM. Clean up help, as always, is especially welcomed. Thanks!