Kingdom shutdown extended until Feb 1st

Good evening, East Kingdom Populace, Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, with the Office of the Seneschal, thank the Kingdom for your support regarding the decision to close down all in-person activities until January 17th. We have reviewed current data regarding reported COVID cases from the CDC and PHS. Although the Read more…

From the East Kingdom Seneschal

Greetings to the populace of the East Kingdom! Please note the following two announcements: 1. The Pennsic Seneschal Group seeks applications for Mayor of Pennsic 51 (2024). The deadline is May 1, 2022, but don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application package. Further information is posted on Read more…

Activities suspended until 17 January, 2022

Good evening, East Kingdom Populace, With the care of the Kingdom ever in mind, Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, the Seneschal-Elect, and the Kingdom Seneschal have agreed that we must shut down all in-person events, meetings, practices, and other activities in the East for two weeks, until January 17th. The Omicron Read more…

A & S Watch this space.

A & S is on hiatus for the holidays, but will resume in January. Please watch this space for the date that A & S will resume, as we need to have our insurance in place in order to utilize the premises. Be safe and well, friends. ~Alayne