Time off for Thanksgiving!
There will be no A & S on 27 November, 2024. Have a great Thanksgiving people!
There will be no A & S on 27 November, 2024. Have a great Thanksgiving people!
You can pick up embroidery napkins at A & S on the 20th, and even sit in on some lessons if you would like, or teach some of your own favorite stitches, if you have some. Hope to see you there!
Starting at Noon on Thursday, 14 November,2024 we are going to clean up the room where the RCPE allows us to store fabric and craft materials. This is so we can assess fabric for Dancing Fox XXV activities. If anyone has good Rubbermaid-type bins to store fabric for dressing the Read more…
A & S is still on for tonight, 4 until 6 PM with lots to do in the storage room, and of course embroidery! If you wish to make a napkin to be given to a new member/first time at an event person at Dancing Fox, come and get a Read more…
Tonight’s A & S is canceled due to germs. See you next week!