Financial Committee Minutes

I have a backlog of financial committee minutes to post. 6/26/13 The financial committee met to review the budget for Wear Schola by Ailionora.  The proposed budget was as follows: Income: $500.00           50 attendees at $10.00 each Expenses: $250.00      Dayboard ?                   Donation to church, depending on profit/loss of Read more…

Deputy Exchequer

During the business meeting in August 2o13, I announced that Ysemay Sterling is my deputy exchequer.  No minutes were kept of that business meeting, to my knowledge, so I thought I would post it here, so people can find it and it is “official”! In service, Gunnvor hausakljufr

Handling Shire Money

I just went though my exchequer training this past weekend.  I will admit that I’ve been pretty ignorant about how money has been handled in the Shire in the past.  I also was ignorant of a lot of the laws and policies required for handling money.  Now that I know Read more…