No A&S meetings in August (2022)

Due to the start of the Pennsic War, we shall not be holding any of our usual Arts and Sciences workshops during the month of August at the Reformed Church hall in Port Ewen. Workshops should be resuming in September, when everyone is back. Everyone should keep working on their Read more…

No A&S tonight (20 July, 2022)

Due to the high heat and humidity, there will be no A&S meeting tonight at the Port Ewen church hall (Wednesday, 20 July, 2022). Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for your kind attention. Stay safe. Seraq, Barok’s Penance

Return of In-Person Arts and Sciences

This coming Wednesday (30 June, 2021), will see a return of in-person Arts and Sciences workshops at the Port Ewen Reformed Church in Esopus, NY. So if you need help with a particular project, bring your materials and tools; and we’ll see what we can accomplish. Wednesday at 6pm. Or, Read more…

Embroidery Schola

The MoAS office would like to draw your attention to Quintavia’s 8th Annual Embroidery Schola, which will be held online on Feb 6th. Please keep your eye out for announcements about classes, and read more about this lovely event on its EK Calendar event page. One quick note. Advanced sign up for classes will be necessary, Read more…

Arts and Sciences: Sewing 101

We’ve got another helpful class this week for anyone who needs some basic sewing & garb construction assistance:Wednesday, December 16: Basic Sewing Techniques for Reenactors & Anachronists, 7:00 pm EST. Instructor: Lady Guðrún Sveinsdóttir (Rosie of Mtn. Freehold).Meeting Link:…If it asks you for a password: sewingWhile this will be the last Read more…