Message Forwarded on behalf of Mariette de Bretagne  Deputy MoAS for A&S Education —— Happy Thursday, Easterners! If you’re heading down to Bardic Champs this Saturday, in addition to all of the amazing performances from the bards of the kingdom, the Ministry of Arts & Sciences will be hosting the Read more…

Rubric class tonight online

Just a reminder that the last Rubric Workshop Session before Crowns A&S will be taking place tonight online starting at 7:30. Mistress Elena will be our primary instructor. While the rubric is the tool we will be using for Crowns A&S, artisans not interested in competing in or judging this Read more…

A&S Announcement

ARTISTS & SCHOLARS EXHIBITION On April 18th in the Barony of Carolingia, the MoAS Office is sponsoring what it hopes to be a regularly occurring, rotating, kingdom A&S event. The event is based, not around competition, but is instead about creating spaces for positive feedback and interactions about A&S in Read more…

Queen’s Favor Embroidery Workshop

There will be a Queen’s Favor embroidery/making workshop on Wednesday, 9 October, 2019 at the Port Ewen Reformed Church hall at 6pm.  If you already have embroidery skills, come share them with beginners.  All are invited.  All are most welcome.