No gather but fight practice is on! 26 December, 2018
There will be no gathering at the PERC on 26 December 2018. But… Abel says that people still want to fight, so he will be unlocking. Have a happy and safe New Year, folks! ~Alayne
There will be no gathering at the PERC on 26 December 2018. But… Abel says that people still want to fight, so he will be unlocking. Have a happy and safe New Year, folks! ~Alayne
The Business meeting for December will be held on the 12th. That is the second Wednesday. Thank you, Alayne
Due to the approaching holiday, there will be no gather or fight practice at the PERC tonight, 21 November 2018. Happy Thanksgiving all! Alayne
The Seneschal’s Quarterly Report of October 2018 has been filed. Rejoicing may commence without delay! Yours in service, Alayne
Due to Hallowe’en, there will be no gathering or fight practice at the PERC on 31 October. Have a happy and safe Hallowe’en! ~Alayne