DNA analysis of Medieval Ms.
http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/goats-bookworms-monk-s-kiss-biologists-reveal-hidden-history-ancient-gospels Just so cool!
http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/goats-bookworms-monk-s-kiss-biologists-reveal-hidden-history-ancient-gospels Just so cool!
Tablet Weaving – Introduction Interesting page, which I thought might interest some folks.
To the great rejoicing of the masses, the final 2017 quarterly report of the Shire of Nordenhal has been sent off to Kingdom! YIS, Alayne
As of 7 December, 2017 — 105 of the 120 feast seats have been taken. Please, if you are coming to the event, or if you have friends who are coming to the event: Ask them to PLEASE extend the courtesy of their intention to attend. Even if they are coming for dayboard alone, a Read More …
If anyone would like to bring a Toy for Toys for Tots to the next meeting, I will be happy to bring it to a center. If you want to donate a toy and don’t have time to shop, I can do that for you as well, just see me on the 6th! Thank you!