Pattern Library PDFs I don’t know if anyone will find these useful… more mundane than period I suppose, but I thought I would leave them here for future reference. Have fun! I don’t know if anyone will find these useful… more mundane than period I suppose, but I thought I would leave them here for future reference. Have fun!
We will not have the Fellowship Hall space due to PERC’s Vacation Bible School the week of August 13th There will be NO gathering or fight practice on 15 August, 2018. Thank you! Alayne
Please be advised that there will be no gather or fight practice at the Port Ewen Reformed Church this Wednesday, 4 July, 2018. Business meeting will be held on the 11th of July. Thank you all. Alayne
From Tamara, a kind offer, please let me know if any of you are interested in seeing her presentation (Some time in the Autumn, perhaps)! Dear Norsemen, uh… I mean Nordenhal…. Some of you probably caught on to my interest in all things Norse… I’ve been studying Vikings, am headed Read more…
Please, if you have been a champion, let us know what kind and the dates. If you have submitted largess, please provide pictures and details. If you have made gifts for other Kingdoms… for the glory of Nordenhal let us know and bring pictures. What have you done for the Read more…