K & Q Bardic Champions Redux!

Big Vivats to Ysemay Sterlyng for have the wit and prowess to be chosen KING’S BARDIC CHAMPION! Big Vivats to Ailionora inghean Ronain for earning a Golden Lyre and taking 2nd Place in the A & S Display. Big Vivats to Ryan for taking third place in the A & Read more…

Holiday Festivities

Yay!   Our Seneschal has given me permission to hold a party to celebrate the winter holidays.  Whether it be Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwaanza, Yule, Solstice, what ever your choice might be, we are gonna eat, exchange gifts, and generally love each other with great hopes for the coming year. The party Read more…

The Uunartoq disc

http://www.livescience.com/44366-vikings-sun-compass-after-sunset.html?cmpid=556836   Viking compass which was useable after dark found in 11th Century Convent.