Next Wednesday, 11 March, 2020, we will be having a pouch making workshop, starting at 6 PM Everyone needs at least one pouch to hold their precious stuff…. learn how to make your own! You will need heavy duty fabric or leather, a needle or a glover’s needle if you Read more…

Dancing Fox Sheet Music

Master Arden of Icombe was kind enough to supply us with a link to the sheet music for the Dances ! http://crab.rutgers.edu/~pbutler/music/DancingFox2020.pdf For the musically inclined, feel free to jam with Branslers! See you soon,Alayne

27 Jan 2020 DEMO

When: 6 PM Where: George Washington School 67 Wall St, Kingston, NY 12401 Cafeteria Access to the school for set up will be at 6 PM with the actual demo starting at 6:30 PM for approximately one hour. A group of Scouts will be divided into units, so that each Read more…