Crown Letters of Intent from Katherine Barr

Greetings unto all those intending to enter Spring Crown Tournament. Please be aware that both the combatant and the consort must submit a joint letter of intent, either through the following link (preferred): or by email to TRH Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Princess Fortune Sancte Keyne with a copy to Read more…

Elections: 3 April, 2019

Oyez!  Oyez! The following people have submitted letters of intent to run for offices in the Shire of Nordenhal: Seneschal — Abel atter Watere (Charlie Ralff) Minister of Arts and Sciences — Seraq, Barok’s Penance  (Michael Melahn) Chancellor of Minors (continuing) — Carrick MacSeain (Craig Johnston) Chatelaine — Alayne Alexandra Read more…