Chatelaine 2nd Quarter report has been sent in!
As required, the report has been sent. YIS,Alayne
As required, the report has been sent. YIS,Alayne
The Kingdom Seneschal has posted the following: Currently both Dutchess and Ulster county rating is at Medium. If you are coming to our gathers from some other county, look up the risk level there. Thank you for taking the time to look at the current response, and a big Read more…
Greetings unto all those intending to enter Spring Crown Tournament. Please be aware that both the combatant and the consort must submit a joint letter of intent, either through the following link (preferred): or by email to TRH Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Princess Fortune Sancte Keyne with a copy to Read more…
Oyez! Oyez! The following people have submitted letters of intent to run for offices in the Shire of Nordenhal: Seneschal — Abel atter Watere (Charlie Ralff) Minister of Arts and Sciences — Seraq, Barok’s Penance (Michael Melahn) Chancellor of Minors (continuing) — Carrick MacSeain (Craig Johnston) Chatelaine — Alayne Alexandra Read more…
Unto all to whom these presents come, from Alayne your Seneschale, warm greetings! You will rejoice to know that the Shire of Nordenhal, Fourth Quarter Seneschale’s Report to the Kingdom has been made and filed in a timely manner. Once your ebullitions of joy subside, you may return to what Read more…