Holiday Festivities

Yay!   Our Seneschal has given me permission to hold a party to celebrate the winter holidays.  Whether it be Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwaanza, Yule, Solstice, what ever your choice might be, we are gonna eat, exchange gifts, and generally love each other with great hopes for the coming year. The party Read more…

Dancing Fox Sweet 16 Dance list

Lady Lorita sent me this year’s dance list. It isn’t arranged yet, but you can all start practicing! Earl of Salisbury Pavane Gathering Peasecods Goddesses Lord Sun Lady Moon Mairie’s Wedding*** Whirligig Hyde Park Scotch Cap Prendente in Gyro (Saltarello 2) Anello Colonesse Lauro Petite Rose Quen Quer Que Rostiboli Read more…

Wear Schola

November 9, 2013 In the Shire of Nordenhal, (Kingston, NY) Church of the Comforter Hall, Wynkoop Place Pre-registration   Before October 15 under 10     Free 11-17        $5.00 Adult          $10.00 After October 15/at the door under 10     Free 11-17         $10.00 Adult          $13.00 please make reservations early Non-member surcharge applies Make Checks Read more…

Handling Shire Money

I just went though my exchequer training this past weekend.  I will admit that I’ve been pretty ignorant about how money has been handled in the Shire in the past.  I also was ignorant of a lot of the laws and policies required for handling money.  Now that I know Read more…