Shire Schedule for February

Greetings, Here is the Shire Schedule for February: February 05 – Youth Fighting, Heavy Fighting February 06\07- Setup for Dancing Fox at Old Dutch Church ( ) (times will be announced) February 08 – Event- DANCING FOX – Info February 12 – February Business Meeting, Heavy Fighting February 19 Read more…

Loaner gear round-up.

If you have borrowed clothing from the loaner gear and are not using it this weekend, please return it Wednesday, as we have other people who would like to borrow garb. Thank you! Alayne

Crown Letters of Intent from Katherine Barr

Greetings unto all those intending to enter Spring Crown Tournament. Please be aware that both the combatant and the consort must submit a joint letter of intent, either through the following link (preferred): or by email to TRH Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Princess Fortune Sancte Keyne with a copy to Read more…