Dancing Fox on the horizon!

Dancing Fox XXI looms near, and we call upon shire folk who have the time to come and assist in preparation. In lieu of meeting at the PERC on 30 January, we will convene at the Old Dutch Church to begin some clean up and lugging. We will also be Read more…

Core Values

Updated Statement of Core Values  Published August 8, 2018 | By Kelly At the Board of Directors July 2018 meeting, the following change to Corpora was approved and is to be considered effective immediately. “SCA Statement of Core Values In pursuing its mission, the SCA is committed to excellence in its programs, Read more…

Manning the booth at 50th.

We need volunteers to man the booth at 50th Anniversary. If you can sit with the booth, please sign up here in the comments, or email the seneschal@nordenhal.eastkingdom.org address with the date and time you can work. Can you help set up on Thursday afternoon. Can you sit any time Read more…