Kingdom Covid19 response 11 Nov, 2022
The Kingdom Seneschal has posted the following: Currently both Dutchess and Ulster county rating is at Medium. If you are coming to our gathers from some other county, look up the risk level there. Thank you for taking the time to look at the current response, and a big Read more…
From Sir Richard de Camville
Hello Everyone! Was chatting with Blaze O’Rama today and we got to chatting about the possibility of an EQ type event. Given what I do for a living (Lucky Star Horsemanship) I have a couple of site options that we could get on a low budget. One is Lucky Star Read more…
Shire Schedule for February
Greetings, Here is the Shire Schedule for February: February 05 – Youth Fighting, Heavy Fighting February 06\07- Setup for Dancing Fox at Old Dutch Church ( ) (times will be announced) February 08 – Event- DANCING FOX – Info February 12 – February Business Meeting, Heavy Fighting February 19 Read more…
Youth Combat July 17th and August 21st, 2019
There will be Youth Combat on Wednesday July 17th starting at 7 pm. Please spread the word. The next youth combat practice will be August 21st, 2019. Many thanks to Lady Eikaterine for her service in coming down to Marshal for us. She reminds all parents and youth to bring Read more…