17 Jan A & S Downstairs

Bring a project or help us with one we are all working on. A & S is on the 17th, downstairs at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen on Salem Street. We start at 6 PM. Use the Fellowship Hall entry. See you there.

27 Dec, 2023

Would anyone be interested in A & S on this night? 6 – 8 PM as usual. With the Holidays, people may want to stay home, but if there is interest? We would be happy to be there with you! Let us know, either way! Happy holidays!

1 November, 2023 A & S

Due to tonight’s Shire Meeting starting at 6 PM, A & S will not start until after the shire meeting! Fighting is back inside, so we will most likely adjourn to downstairs. See you all later!