17 Jan A & S Downstairs
Bring a project or help us with one we are all working on. A & S is on the 17th, downstairs at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen on Salem Street. We start at 6 PM. Use the Fellowship Hall entry. See you there.
Bring a project or help us with one we are all working on. A & S is on the 17th, downstairs at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen on Salem Street. We start at 6 PM. Use the Fellowship Hall entry. See you there.
6 PM — upstairs, folks, because there is a Business meeting!
Would anyone be interested in A & S on this night? 6 – 8 PM as usual. With the Holidays, people may want to stay home, but if there is interest? We would be happy to be there with you! Let us know, either way! Happy holidays!
Come and help! We are doing prep work for the event on 9 December each Wednesday at A &S between now and then! We will be downstairs, ironing, and folding and sorting fabric et al. We will be starting at 6 PM and going until 8 PM. (Short break for Read more…
Due to tonight’s Shire Meeting starting at 6 PM, A & S will not start until after the shire meeting! Fighting is back inside, so we will most likely adjourn to downstairs. See you all later!