Next Wednesday, 11 March, 2020, we will be having a pouch making workshop, starting at 6 PM Everyone needs at least one pouch to hold their precious stuff…. learn how to make your own! You will need heavy duty fabric or leather, a needle or a glover’s needle if you Read more…

Shire Schedule for February

Greetings, Here is the Shire Schedule for February: February 05 – Youth Fighting, Heavy Fighting February 06\07- Setup for Dancing Fox at Old Dutch Church (https://goo.gl/maps/dP95mbsVPWFoShWb9 ) (times will be announced) February 08 – Event- DANCING FOX – Info https://www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=3544 February 12 – February Business Meeting, Heavy Fighting February 19 Read more…

Youth Combat Cancelled June 26, 2019

Greetings, Due to a scheduling conflict Youth Marshal Lady Eikaterine will not be able to attend. Youth combat has been cancelled for June 26, 2019. The regular Arts and sciences and Fighter Practice meeting is still on. Yours in Service, Abel atte Watere