No gathering or fight practice on 15 August 2018
We will not have the Fellowship Hall space due to PERC’s Vacation Bible School the week of August 13th There will be NO gathering or fight practice on 15 August, 2018. Thank you! Alayne
We will not have the Fellowship Hall space due to PERC’s Vacation Bible School the week of August 13th There will be NO gathering or fight practice on 15 August, 2018. Thank you! Alayne
Please be advised that there will be no gather or fight practice at the Port Ewen Reformed Church this Wednesday, 4 July, 2018. Business meeting will be held on the 11th of July. Thank you all. Alayne
The Business meeting for July will be held on the 11th due to the national holiday on the 4th! See you there!
The Port Ewen Reformed Church would like a group picture of us for their user group album which will be taken on Wednesday. Anyone who can wear or bring their eventing best to the gather on that day is welcomed to! I will take a few pix as well for Read more…
To be discussed at the 4 April business meeting… While nothing is to be decided pending the polling to be conducted of those members who currently reside in the Zip codes of Frosted Hills, here is some information to begin to consider. From Mistress Katherine Barr, Kingdom Seneschal: “After much Read more…