No use of PERC 6 March 2019
The Port Ewen Reform Church is utilizing the entire building on 6 March, so there will be no SCA activities at that location on that day. Thank you! Alayne
The Port Ewen Reform Church is utilizing the entire building on 6 March, so there will be no SCA activities at that location on that day. Thank you! Alayne
Dancing Fox XXI is in Saturday, and we will be allowed in to the Old Dutch Church 272 Wall Street Kingston, NY to do some set up early! If you have the time and energy to come help, please feel free to! Wednesday 10 am to at least 9 PM Read more…
Dancing Fox XXI looms near, and we call upon shire folk who have the time to come and assist in preparation. In lieu of meeting at the PERC on 30 January, we will convene at the Old Dutch Church to begin some clean up and lugging. We will also be Read more…
Unto all to whom these presents come, from Alayne your Seneschale, warm greetings! You will rejoice to know that the Shire of Nordenhal, Fourth Quarter Seneschale’s Report to the Kingdom has been made and filed in a timely manner. Once your ebullitions of joy subside, you may return to what Read more…
It is election time, folks! Please refer to the Shire ByLaws and follow these procedures if you are interested in running for an office, leaving an office or simply renewing your tenure in an office. For your convenience I have quoted the pertinent sections below, but the entire ByLaws are Read more…