2 and 9 August

Update:  We will gather on 2 and 9 August. Who would be interested in still meeting the first two Wednesdays in August?   With so many of us heading to Pennsic, unless there are folks wanting to gather, I will cancel those two meetings. Please contact me if you would Read more…

Big Thank You!

I would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to her Excellency Mathilde, for her service as Seneschale.  She has stepped into the position of Deputy, and I am grateful for that as well. Thank you, also to all the people in the Shire who have shouldered the responsibility Read more…

Wednesday 3 May, 2017 Meeting

Hello all! Currently, I am on this site in my Dancing Fox guise, but as soon as our webminister goes into action, I will be posting as Seneschale, and all official Shire Business will be posted here, in compliance with EK Law. Once the update is made, please direct all Read more…