A & S as usual — 6 PM
Due to Pennsic, if not one shows up or lets us know that they are coming by 7 PM? Look for us at the diner!
Due to Pennsic, if not one shows up or lets us know that they are coming by 7 PM? Look for us at the diner!
As required, the report has been sent. YIS,Alayne
Hello my people. I went to check the park this morning, and it is a wonderful site. Except… The water is not potable. It is safe for washing, but due to being a local well it has high iron content (the kind that leaches out to the bottom of your Read more…
Tuesday 25 April we will be prepping some wonderful pies for Dancing Fox (and freezing them) at the house of Christine Larsson. In the Afternoon from 1 to 4. If you want to come early? Please do, because in the forenoon we will be inventorying kitchen supplies! IM Christine Larsson Read more…