5 October Demo at Persen House announced
Call for volunteers to help! If you can help at the event, and/or with cooking prior to the event, please let us know! Cooking will happen at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston from 10 am to at least 7 PM on 16 and 17 May. Contact Brigitte for more Read more…
Good evening and well met! A&S Meetings are now every Wednesday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the back room of the basement floor in the Port Ewen church hall. This is also a good time to mention we have a new event page displaying our calendar for all Nordenhal hosted Read more…
Due to health issues, there will be no A & S this evening. See you all next week!
A & S will start downstairs at 4 PM tomorrow 3/6 and move upstairs at 6PM for the business meeting. We will continue our 4 PM start times through March!