Dancing Fox XXV Dance Selection Pool
English Italian French SCA Traditional / SCA Choreography
English Italian French SCA Traditional / SCA Choreography
Much happening at A & S this week: Making tokens for Dancing Fox XXV. Pinning A Quilt. Embroidery. (anyone wanting a napkin to sew to be gifted to a new member at DF XXV should come get one.) Possible dress making demo 4 PM to 6 PM
We need some sweet bags sewn for Friday’s Demo. Simple seams around a square. If anyone is willing to help Brigitte pin her quilt? She needs help with that Wednesday evening. …and of course we have napkins which need to be embroidered for Dancing Fox, which is really coming up Read more…
This years Faerie Festival Demo will be at the Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston, NY on 26 April, to (hopefully) benefit from better weather, and utilize the out of doors! The SCA and many other local organizations will be celebrating in concert, with our group bringing forth food Read more…
This Friday, 6 December, 2024 is the Snowflake Festival Demo at the Old Dutch Church 272 Wall St, Kingston, NY 12401. Set up at 5 PM. Break down just after 8 PM. The Festival takes place all over uptown, and parking will be tough, so plan on walking some way, Read more…