Golden Anniversary of the East Kingdom.

Any Shire members who are interested on working on this, please contact me at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!   Alayne It is with great honor that I, Lady Magdelena Caminante, East Kingdom Historian, and Coordinator of the Halls of History and Memorial Garden, bid you greetings; In less Read more…

Happy and Safe Pennsic!

Please have a happy and safe Pennsic, everyone!  Don’t forget to stay hydrated, and use your sunblock! And for us poor souls who don’t go to Pennsic?   See you all at our regular gathers!

Harassment and Bullying Policy

The SCA Harassment and Bullying Policy From the Society Seneschals Handbook: XXIV. SOCIETY SENESCHAL POLICIES & INTERPRETATIONS 4. Harassment and Bullying The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups. Harassment and bullying includes, but is not limited to the following: offensive or lewd verbal comments directed to Read more…

Clean your Machine! 31 May

Prior to the Pre-Pennsic Panic, please come to the 31 May, Wednesday night gather and bring your sewing machine.   I will hold a clinic to  clean the machine, and maybe even oil it. 6 PM until 9 PM.