February Business Meeting

I also propose to  hold off the February business meeting to the Second Wednesday.  That way Celeste and crew can do Dancing Fox business paperwork without waiting a whole month, and it frees up the Wednesday before for working at the Old Dutch Church on the event.  Thank you Pam Read more…

Bronze age textiles

For those of us with a taste for really early Briton! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/vast-treasure-trove-of-fine-textiles-shows-importance-of-fashion-to-bronze-age-britons-a7135786.html#gallery

Banner making workshop at the July meeting.

This is probably everyone’s last chance to make a banner for Pennsic at our workshops.  So, depending on what you want to make, bring: Base banner fabric.  Cotton, linen or other. Iron and ironing board. Extra fabric and double sided fusing. If you are appliqueing a banner. Liquitex acrylic paints Read more…

Is anyone interested in making syrups?

I am willing to help folks make drink syrups for Pennsic at Shire get-togethers during July. If you are interested, you will need ingredients and supplies, so please contact me by the July business meeting (or at it.) So we can make arrangements. Thanks!