Royal Largesse Challenge

Royal Largesse Challenge The East Kingdom Royal Gifts Chest is issuing a challenge to the Baronies and Shires of The East Kingdom! Spring is here and the East welcomes a new King and Queen! It is time to fill Our gift coffers with beautiful and functional items, ones that represent Read more…

Sad Tidings

17 April– Sitting Shiva (for those who don’t know, these are visiting hours)  for Sheldon Bosin, at the home of Ruth Burkowsky  119 Pinehurst, Albany 12203         htttp:// Friday, April 18, 2014 Shiva, 2-5 PM Saturday, April 19 Shiva from 7:40 PM Minyan at 7:45 PM Sunday April 20 Shiva 2-4 Read more…

By-laws 2nd draft

Ok..retyped up the bylaws. Let me know if I missed something. I have sent an email out asking the questions that were brought up. Cheers! Cateline By-laws 2nd draft