Financial Committee Minutes

I have a backlog of financial committee minutes to post. 6/26/13 The financial committee met to review the budget for Wear Schola by Ailionora.  The proposed budget was as follows: Income: $500.00           50 attendees at $10.00 each Expenses: $250.00      Dayboard ?                   Donation to church, depending on profit/loss of Read more…

Deputy Exchequer

During the business meeting in August 2o13, I announced that Ysemay Sterling is my deputy exchequer.  No minutes were kept of that business meeting, to my knowledge, so I thought I would post it here, so people can find it and it is “official”! In service, Gunnvor hausakljufr

February Meeting

Hi All, I just heard back from Betsy that the church has scheduled their February meeting for the second Wednesday of the month so I propose we change ours to the third Wednesday so as not to conflict. We can still have fighter practice but perhaps to be considerate we Read more…

Dancing Fox Menu updated

This year A Mostly Tudor offering by the Lady Ailionora inghaean Ronain graces our dayboard. Roast Beef Scotch Broth Vegan Pea soup (Perre) Savory Toast Cheese Hard Boiled Eggs Boiled sallet Mixed salad greens with Strawberry vinaigrette Fried Kidney beans Assorted cheeses Assorted fruit Vegetable platter with hummus Assorted breads Read more…