Fairie Faire date up in the air.
Due to a conflict with the Farmer’s Market, the date for the Fairie Faire Demo is no longer firm. As I find out more, I will post. Thanks!
Due to a conflict with the Farmer’s Market, the date for the Fairie Faire Demo is no longer firm. As I find out more, I will post. Thanks!
Going to be doing some embroidering on the dates above, and/or working on unfinished Peter the Dressmaker projects. We will downstairs in the church hall from 4 to 6 PM. Of you want to pick things up to work on at home? Let us know. Hope to see you!
On Friday 4 October, we can get in from noon until 4 at Persen House to set up for Saturday’s Demo. Any one who wishes to help hang banners should contact Alayne for exact times! Saturday 5 October, we can get in at 9 am to set up at Persen Read more…
There will be no A & S next week due to it being our 42nd anniversary. We will be doing something more romantic than A & S.
On the 25th we will be exploring embroidery! (Or, of course, you can bring whatever you want to work on!)