While HRH Prince Ivan does not need to step down from his shire office until October when he becomes King (Vivat!) he has informed the shire at tonight’s special meeting that his intention is to do so as soon as is practicable.

Pursuant to Shire ByLaws Section IV C.  Early Termination:

His Highness will present the Seneschale (me) with a resignation in writing, (when the time comes.)

The vacancy is announced, letters of intent will be accepted  stating that one would like the position.  (One can send it anytime now.)

If there is a sole applicant, that person can be confirmed by a show of hands.

If there is more than one person interested in the position, then a formal vote would have to be held.

Persons interested in the position should seek out Prince Ivan for details.  (A shire can use many marshals, so becoming a marshal is a good thing.  Only one Official Marshal is necessary, but that person can have a deputy.)

Also, I would like to Thank HRH Matilde for her short but vital service as Deputy Seneschale and welcome our new Deputy Seneschale, Brigitte Flamin.

For the service of all our officers —

Vivant!  Vivant!  Vivant!


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