Message Forwarded on behalf of
Mariette de Bretagne
Deputy MoAS for A&S Education
Happy Thursday, Easterners!
If you’re heading down to Bardic Champs this Saturday, in addition to all of the amazing performances from the bards of the kingdom, the Ministry of Arts & Sciences will be hosting the following discussions:
A&S Consultation table, 11 am-noon. If you would like to get feedback on your works-in-progress or your documentation, discuss future A&S endeavors, or have any A&S questions at all, come chat with Mistress Lissa and I in the Meeting Room.
Consent in A&S, 1-2 pm. This class will cover common communication issues and how to better understand them, ways to ensure feedback is done with consent, along with tips on how to ask for and provide effective feedback that all parties are up for giving and receiving. Designed equally for teachers and artisans alike at any level. Led by Mistress Lissa in the Meeting Room.
If you can’t make it down to Caer Adamant this weeked but still want to learn more about documentation, research, feedback, and many other topics of interest to artisans, you can always check out all of the resources available on the EK MoAS page under teaching and learning:
Please feel free to contact me here or at if you have any questions, or would like us to host A&S education classes at your event.
In service,
Mariette de Bretagne
Deputy MoAS for A&S Education