Greetings unto all those intending to enter Spring Crown Tournament.

Please be aware that both the combatant and the consort must submit a joint letter of intent, either through the following link (preferred): or by email to TRH Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Princess Fortune Sancte Keyne with a copy to the Kingdom Seneschal.

The Letters of Intent must be received prior to 11:59 p.m. on April 6, 2019, which is Coronation. If using email, the letters of intent must include all of the following information for both combatant and consort: Society name, legal name, address, telephone number, years of residency, a statement that both the combatant and consort affirm that they do not have knowledge of any legal basis why at least one half of the couple would not be able to legally cross the United States/Canadian international border for the duration of their reign, and be accompanied by proof of membership with membership number & expiration date that is valid at least thirty days after Crown. If both entrants are combatants, then that should be clearly indicated.

Should you wish for Their Highnesses to grant any allowable exception to the requirements, be sure to clearly state your request in your letter of intent.

TRH also request that combatants bring heraldic shields for the list trees.

Mistress Katherine Barr


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