The Old Dutch Church is hosting a free event best described as Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream meets Ecological Fun!

Children of all ages are invited to dress in their Faerie Best and attend the March O’ the Faeries.

There will be Faerie food, houses, arts and a march of the faeries.

Children will taught about caring for the natural environment, recycling and planting.

There will also be coloring fun, making of faerie circlets and wands, a Faerie Queen giving out a quest, and story tellers.

SCAdians are invited to come and help with these activities, or to bring arts and crafts of their own to demonstrate.

If you can make it on the day, and wish to help? Please contact Alayne.

If you would like to help in the preparation of food and beverages? Please contact Brigitte.

There will be workshops at

the Old Dutch Church

272 Wall Street

Kingston, NY 12401

Watch this feed for dates and times.

Categories: Uncategorized


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