Would anyone like to participate in the East Kingdom 50th Anniversary display? We need help to create the display, and we need bodies to man the display throughout the event.
Do you
–have old pix of the shires of Nordenhal and/or Hollyndale that you are willing to either scan or lend copies to me to scan them?
— have a specific idea for inclusion that you wish to make happen?
— have old copies of the Thyng newsletter that you would allow to be displayed ?
–have old newspaper articles on the activities of the Shire and would allow them to be scanned?
Please inform me of your intent to display by Mid-April, and have the final item ready by end of May, so that we are not scrambling last minute to form a cohesive display.
We need to start work on our display ASAP, so if you are willing help in any way, please contact me.