Hello, Here are the list of candidates for offices for our April 8th meeting.


Michael Melahn , Lord Seraq, Barok’s Penance. A sustaining and long time member of the SCA and past Seneschal of Nordenhal with much to offer in experience.

Christin Nosenchuk, Baroness Mathilde DeCadenet , also a sustaining member and long time society member. Has been Deputy Seneschal for past 2 years.


Kim Muollo/ Lady Celeste Le Mercier sustaining member and past Exchequer for the Barony of the Bridge.

Janet DeGregoria/Lady Ailionora inghean Ronain sustaining member and long time member of the shire

Pat Gerreschein/Lady Richildis von Gerreschein running for re-election unopposed

Ivan Nosenchuk/ Baron Ivan Ivanov Syn Dimitriov Vynuk Tzardikov running un-opposed

Knight Marshall
Ivan Nosenchuk/Baron Ivan Ivanov Syn Dimitriov Vynuk Tzardikov running un-opposed

Web Minister
Chris Larsson/Lord Hrelgar Igelkottson running unopposed

A&S Minister
Jennifer Guyton/ Baroness Cateline LaBroderesse running unopposed

I will have all these letters of intent with me for viewing at the April 8th election and keep them on file.

Mathilde DeCadenet

Categories: Uncategorized


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