Oyez! Oyez!
The following people have submitted letters of intent to run for offices in the Shire of Nordenhal:
Seneschal — Abel atter Watere (Charlie Ralff)
Minister of Arts and Sciences — Seraq, Barok’s Penance (Michael Melahn)
Chancellor of Minors (continuing) — Carrick MacSeain (Craig Johnston)
Chatelaine — Alayne Alexandra Nyvern Nightwatcher (Pam Parisi)
Exchequer (continuing) — Celeste Le Mercier (Kim Muollo)
Herald (continuing) — Richildis von Gerresheim (Pat Gerresheim)
Web Minister (continuing) — Hrelgar Igelkottson (Chris Larsson)
Voting is open to all current paid members of the SCA who currently reside in the Shire of Nordenhal.
Because all candidates are running unopposed, in accordance to the shire Bylaws, Section III D. (b.) Should the candidate run unopposed, an informal show of hands will confirm their office.
Voting shall take place at the 3 April, 2019 business meeting.
As always, should you wish to help out, or find out more about an office? Please contact that officer and offer to be a deputy. There are also offices which are not currently held by anyone, and we welcome folks to try their hand. We all learn best by doing!
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to undertake an office or who has renewed their office.