On 8 February, 2014 the Shire of Nordenhal once again hosted Dancing Fox, the 16th in a series of Arts and Sciences laden events autocratted by Alayne.
Featured were medieval music by the Bhakaili Branslers, led by Master Arden of Iacombe, playing and sharing information about medieval instruments of all types, many of which were constructed by members of the music group. Pick up play was, as always, encouraged, and music freely shared.
Several dance masters worked all day teaching various dances to attendees. Lady Lorita de Sienna was Dance Master in charge for the day. The dance list was, and is posted on the official shire feed, and appeared in the event announcement, so that people would be aware of what they could learn.
Highlighting the day were two well researched meals, first a Totally Tudor dayboard by Lady Ailionora inghean Ronain, whose research appeared in the Ars Scientia Orientalis in two consecutive articles. The Feast was a Roman offering researched and put forth by Lord Tiberius Nautius Maximus. Both meals provided real time experience for any group members who wished to be involved in preparation, and packets with recipes were available on request. The meals were also delicious!
A Marzipan solteltie is part of the Dancing Fox tradition, and this year was assisted by Lord Hrelgar de Igelkottson, who baked gingerbread walls and tables for the diorama. Marzipan was prepared by Mistress Brigitte Flamin and sculpting, assembly and painting were by Alayne.
Other desserts were also available, as Brigitte invoked her annual dessert challenge. This is a call for dessert entries in two categories: Hedgehogs, which have authentic medieval standards, and Foxes, which are more… creative. Judged by Brigitte and Lady Sofya of Ostgardr the winners were Lady Eikaterina of Anglespur as Hedgehog, preparing a delicious Greek Ravani. Lady Ailionora took Foxes with a Death by Chocolate recipe stolen from the Hampton Kitchens of Henry Tudor.
All entries were appreciated and devoured by attendees.
One entry in the Arts and Sciences Non-non-competition was made by Nyfain Merch Coel, a beautiful baronial scroll, which managed to fulfill all three categories of this years theme, and also corresponded to her Dressing the Fox Entry.
Dressing the Fox is a real time costuming and story-telling competition in two age groups, adults and children. This year Mistress Ose Silverhair and Lady Eikaterina of Anglespur judged the children’s entries, declaring a tie for first place between Mina and Katie. (All of the other children tied for second place.) The entrants not only costume their stuffed animal, but also build a tale as to why and how the critter arrived in such haberdashery.
The adult competition was won by Lady Merch, who managed to clothe her Fox in the heraldry of Rusted Woodlands, and tie her story into the scroll entry! (Adult competition was judged by Lady Ailionora and Mistress Brigitte.)
Finally there was a bardic component called the Ultimate Proposal, won this year by Lady Katrusha Karpova doch’ Negodiaev Skomorokh, who promised amazing things to the entire kitchen crew if she could only get more Strawberry Vinaigrette. (Luckily, proposals made during the competition are not binding.)
118 people attended this premier arts and sciences extravaganza, to the delight of all.
Respectfully submitted,