The financial committee met to discuss a few items of financial business (please see my last blog entry if you are confused about who the financial committee is and why they need to approve things). It is also my job as an exchequer to take minutes of these meetings and to share them with the shire. The following items were voted on:
1. Budget for Wear Schola (approved unanimously) :
$500.00 50 attendees at $10.00 each
$250.00 Dayboard
? Donation to church, depending on profit/loss of event $24.27 Site Tokens if we use them. See note below.
$30.00 Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, misc.
Projected Profit $195.73
big plastic needles (made for kids to learn with) a package of 40 for $8.09. I have plenty of floss to string them on. Would suggest 3 packages with leftovers going to the Chancellor Minor for the kids activity box. Pam has free shipping at Amazon making total cost $24.27. I believe I saw an ad for the needles at a lower price, also at amazon, so I will investigate this, but not for certain. Paper line item should go to feast-o-crat to be purchased with general food purchases.”
2. Purchase checks for the Shire bank account (approved unanimously).
3. Spend $4 extra to purchase checks with the duplicate carbon copies (approved unanimously).
4. Decision to post the minutes of the financial committee meetings on the Nordenhal blog (approved unanimously).