This is from the Ansteorra Disaster Relief Coordinator. Please post this to all pertinent groups. They do need our help.
Thanks so much.
Duquesa Isabella, East Kingdom DRC
Greetings from Ansteorra!
As everyone knows, we have been visited by Hurricane Harvey. It has ravaged our coastline and many of our Baronies and Shires in that group have taken over 20” of rain with more on the way. Many people have evacuated, and some are still in the process of being evacuated. It will be some time before we know the full extent of the damage Harvey has left.
Their Majesties, their Hignesses, and their Excellencies Bonwicke, their Excellencies Elfsea, and their Excellencies Steppes, and the autocrat of Braggart’s War this weekend have been very gracious in allowing me to place a collection container at the gate table to collect gift cards and cash for the victims of this storm. Please do not bring stuff. We are not ready to accept donations other than gift cards or cash, there is nowhere to store the stuff (the rain is still falling and everyone is still evacuated). We will do another collection for this at a later time.
At this point, we are going to limit donations to gift cards, cash, and PayPal donations. Once people have returned to their homes and begun to assess the damage, we will begin to start a list (physical and amazon wish-type) of “stuff” that needs to be replaced, but we will only do that once the rain has stopped, Harvey has left, and they have a place to put it.
The only monies in the PayPal account are relief funds. Any cash received will be added to the PayPal account for accounting/accountability purposes. It is not an SCA affiliated account, nor are the donations tax deductible. All monies need to be given by individuals to help those who want to help those affected. All donations will be used to help the affected, and any excess money (after the tornado, we split all monies equitably, and I foresee this being the same situation with no excess) will be given equally to Red Cross, Salvation Army, TX Food Bank, and the Humane Society.
We could also use gift cards to help fill immediate needs and help with clean-up. The best gift cards are Generic Visa/MC, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, HEB, PetCo, and other big box stores.
Donations can be sent to the PayPal address
Mail (and gift card) donations can be sent to me:
Brandy Merrell
629 Unbridled Lane
Keller, TX 76248
I will send them on to where they will be most helpful.
Anyone can feel free to contact me for more information or clarification:
In Service,
Lady Marion inghean ui Ruanadha
DRC Ansteorra