Greetings to the populace of the East Kingdom!

Please note the following two announcements:

1. The Pennsic Seneschal Group seeks applications for Mayor of Pennsic 51 (2024). The deadline is May 1, 2022, but don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application package. Further information is posted on the East Kingdom Seneschal webpage:

2. Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and the office of the Kingdom Seneschal want to hear from the populace regarding what to do if the Tyger Throne is unexpectedly empty and there are no Heirs. Our current provision in EK Law, that the Kingdom Seneschal shall hold a Crown Tournament “as soon as possible” is insufficient, as the pandemic has shown.

This will be an ongoing conversation, and no change to EK Law is imminent. But it’s time to start examining options. More information is linked in the agenda for Their Majesties’ upcoming Curia. That same document is here:

The populace is invited to send comments to

Thank you,
In service to the East,
Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal
Audrye, Kingdom Seneschal-Elect

Categories: Uncategorized


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